Organisation of the Archive


Archive Director

  • PhDr. Miroslav Urbánek – since 1 September 2023
    • former directors:
    • Mgr. Světlana Ptáčníková – since 26 April 2013
    • PhDr. Zlatuše Kukánová – since 13. 6. 2012
    • Mgr. Jana Poddaná, Ph.D. – since 1. ledna 2011
    • PhDr. Miroslav Urbánek – since 21. 6. 2010 (1st deputy)
    • PhDr. Ladislav Bukovszky – since 4. 2. 2008
    • Mgr. Martin Pulec – since 8. 1. 2008
    • PhDr. Pavel Žáček, Ph.D. – since 1. 8. 2007 (interim)

Deputy Director and Head of Federal Ministry of the Interior Collections Department

  • Mgr. Tomáš Bursík
    • Mgr. Petr Zeman

Office of the Director

The Office of the Director performs administrative tasks and provides legal and HR services for the Archive.

Archive Departments:

  • Department 1: Operative Files and Investigation Files
  • Department 2: Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior
  • Department 3: Collections of the MoI of the Czech Republic, State Security and MoI Armed Forces
  • Department 4: Act 262/2011 Coll. – Anti-Communist Resistance Act
  • Department 5: Digitisation and Protection of Archival Materials
  • Department 6: IT and Registries
  • Department 7: Finance and Facility Management

Department 1: Operative Files and Investigation Files

  • Head of Department: Mgr. Xenie Penížková
  • Address: Branické nám. 777/2, Praha 4 – Braník
  • Telephone: + 420 221 008 348
  • E-mail:

This department administers archival materials produced by the central and regional units of the former State Security. The repositories contain original materials from so-called operative archives, mostly as personal files, permanent storage materials and other attachments, microfiches and registry books. The department prepares archival materials for viewing, processes researcher requests and requests from authorities, prepares underlying documents for official procedures, catalogues the collections and creates search aids. It manages the Siwiecova reading room.

Department 2: Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior

  • Head of Department: Mgr. Tomáš Bursík
  • Address: Na Struze 3, Praha 1
  • Telephone: + 420 221 008 131
  • E-mail:

This department administers materials produced by the Ministry of the Interior (1945–1950 and 1953–1968), Ministry of National Security (1950–1953), Federal Ministry of the Interior (1969–1992), selected central units of State Security (1945–1990), investigation and court files of Czechoslovak citizens tried by the German Reich courts, and the collection entitled Study Institute of the Ministry of the Interior. Some materials complement those lodged with the Department of Collections of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, State Security and MoI Armed Forces. The materials are presented for viewing as paper documents, index cards, microfiches, films and in electronic format. The department prepares archival materials for viewing, processes researcher requests and requests from authorities, produces copies and extracts, prepares underlying documents for official rehabilitation and indemnification procedures, catalogues the collections and creates search aids. It manages the Na Struze reading room.

Department 3: Collections of the MoI of the Czech Republic, State Security and MoI Armed Forces

  • Head of Department: PhDr. Iva Kvapilová
  • Address: Kanice
  • Mail address: P.O. BOX 29, Vlkova 2481/4, 628 00 Brno
  • Telephone: +420 221 008 170, + 420 545 227 302
  • E-mail:

This department administers materials produced by the former Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of the Interior of the Czechoslovak Republic, Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic and collections of the central and regional units of the Public Security Corps (VB) from 1945–1991/1992, including secondary schools of the National Security Corps, regional units of the former State Security, selected units of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Forced Labour Camps, Internment Camps, Prison Corps, personal materials of the employees of all units of the MoI, army officers working for Military Counterintelligence and Military Intelligence, and the Prison Security Services, Border Security Corps and the Armed Forces of the MoI. Some materials complement those lodged with the Department of Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. The department prepares archival materials for viewing in natural or electronic form, processes researcher requests and requests from authorities, prepares underlying documents for official procedures, catalogues the collections and creates search aids. It manages the Kanice reading room.

Department 4: Act 262/2011 Coll. – Anti-Communist Resistance Act

  • Head of Department: Mgr. Jan Makovička
  • Address: Branické nám. 777/2, Praha 4 – Braník
  • Telephone: +420 221 008 351
  • E-mail:

This department is engaged in agendas relating to Main Foreign Intelligence Directorate (Directorate I of the National Security Corps), Main Military Counterintelligence Directorate (Directorate III), Intelligence Department of the General Headquarters of the Czechoslovak People’s Army, Primary Units of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and the National Front acting within the Intelligence Department of the General Headquarters, and Security Department of the Prison Administration Department. The repositories also include original documents from the so- called operative archives, mainly in as file agenda, materials of permanent value and other attachments, microfiches and registration aids. The department prepares archival materials for viewing, processes researcher requests and requests from authorities. Another important part of its activities is cataloguing of the collections in its custody and creating finding aids.

The department has the competence in the agendas relating to Act 262/2011 Coll. in the Archive and for coordination with the other institutions and authorities with competence under the Act. It receives Requests to assign the status of a resistance participant as per the aforementioned Act from the Ministry of Defence, the Ethical Committee and the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes. It cooperates with the other Departments in research for individual requests and prepares and edits expert statements made by the Archive.

Department 5: Digitisation and Protection of Archival Materials

  • Head of Department: Mgr. Juraj Kalina
  • Address: Branické nám. 777/2, Praha 4 – Braník
  • Telephone: + 420 221 008 315

This department provides comprehensive care in preparing digital reproductions of archival materials in analogue form, comprehensive care for the storage of archival materials in analogue form and their restoration.

Department 6: IT and Registries

  • Head of Department: Mgr. Peter Rendek (pověřen řízením)
  • Address: Siwiecova 2, Praha 3
  • Telephone: + 420 221 008 229
  • E-mail:

This department is responsible for the administration and operation of IT infrastructure, security, backup and technical checks on data, the conceptual development of hardware and software including application programming, administration, storage and backup of digital reproductions of archival materials, the administration and development of the database retrieval systems of the Archive, including the registry tools acquired by the Archive in accordance with the law, and retrieval in database systems to perform the delegated tasks of the Archive, especially in official and research requests.

Department 7: Finance and Facility Management

  • Head of Department: Ing. Gabriela Kremlová, MBA
  • Address: Na Struze 3, Praha 1
  • Telephone: + 420 221 008 101
  • E-mail:

This department carried out tasks in the areas of finance, bookkeeping and the budget and cares for the operational needs of the Archive, including facility management. It cooperates with the Department of Finance and Operation of the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes.